Leonardo Marseglia out of the final due to two crashes at PFI

A complicated weekend for Leonardo Marseglia on occasion of the CIK-FIA OK European Championship at PFI.

The race in Grantham didn’t go as expected for the young Leonardo Marseglia. The Kart Republic standard bearer started the event with the 19th laptime out of 68 drivers on Friday.

On Saturday, after the first two heats finished in the top ten, 8th and 9th, in the third one Leonardo got his front bumper dislodged while he was fighting for the seventh position due to a contact with Forza Racing’s Chris Lulham and this pushed him to the 20th position. In the last manche of the Saturday Leonardo concluded in 12th, struggling a little bit with slightly different climatic conditions.

On Sunday there was only one heat left before the final, but another contact dislodged the Leonardo’s front bumper and forced him to the 22th place, not enough to stay in the top 34 for the final.

“It’s a shame being out of the final this weekend. My pace wasn’t too bad and I was out only because of the dislodged front bumper. We’re racers, but this rule foces us to stay far away from battles! We’re looking forward to back at the top in Ampfing.”

The next race is the CIK-FIA OK European Championship in Ampfing, Germany, from June 15th to 17th.

Here are the full results.

For more information on anything related to Leonardo Marseglia, please visit www.leonardomarseglia.com or www.petrolheaditalia.com or and be sure to follow our social accounts: Leonardo Marseglia Driver ( FB – IGTW ) and Petrolhead Italia ( FB – IG – TW ).

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